Things to Consider
How do you now your proposed RFID project will work in the real world?
How can RFID enable your overall strategic vision?
Should you pilot your project within or sen it to an outside RFID team?
Should you do both barcode legacy and RFID?
What is the expected RFID return on your investment?
How can RFID enable your overall strategic vision?
Should you pilot your project within or sen it to an outside RFID team?
Should you do both barcode legacy and RFID?
What are your technology requirements for an RFID implementation?
What is the architecture that best delivers on your company strategic technology plan?
How will an RFID implementation impact your existing applications?
How do you know which RFID readers will work in your environment?
How do you know which RFID tags to use on which asset?
Get measurable results with RFID
Real reduction in errors via automation
Reduction of company asset shrinkage
Real gains in productivity by better managing the user of skilled resources through automation
Measurable impact to labor costs